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Coping with Pain After a Car Accident

If you were injured in a wreck, you know that car accident injury pain can disrupt your entire life. Whether you have whiplash, back pain, neck pain or some other type of injury, damage from an automobile crash can turn your life upside-down. The good news is, you aren’t alone in your pain. A car accident doctor is knowledgeable and skilled in this area, with unique insight into helping you cope with, manage and recover from pain.

The Premier Injury Clinics team is here to help you recover after your accident. Our dedicated and compassionate doctors treat Texas auto accident victims every day. We understand how critical it is to manage chronic pain so you can get back to living life on your terms. If you are dealing with long-term pain, don’t assume your injuries will heal in time. Seek help from an experienced car accident doctor who can develop a strategy for pain management.

Steps to Cope with Pain After a Car Accident

Seek Immediate Medical Care

Adrenaline in your system can make it difficult to tell whether you’re injured. After a crash, injury symptoms might be delayed hours or even days. Or, you may have a severe injury that doesn’t announce itself, like a concussion or internal bleeding. Seeing a medical professional can help ensure you don’t experience further damage or hinder your recovery.

A car accident doctor can help determine the best path forward for managing your pain. Whether you have temporary or chronic pain, you don’t have to try and figure out a treatment plan on your own. Your doctor will provide professional supervision that ensures you manage your pain safely and effectively for an optimal outcome.

Take Care of Yourself

While taking care of yourself after a crash might sound obvious, people often rush their recovery and force themselves into old routines. The problem with being overeager is that you could cause further damage to your body or delay your recovery, leading to more pain over a more extended period.

Taking care of yourself after a crash can take many forms:

  • Seek professional medical care from an auto accident injury doctor
  • Get plenty of sleep so your body can naturally repair itself
  • Engage in exercise that has been deemed safe by your doctor
  • Stay connected to the important people in your life
  • Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water
  • Remember to do things you enjoy, like reading or listening to music

Most importantly, be patient with yourself. Listen to your body when it tells you that you’re pushing too hard, doing too much, or extending too far. The more you allow yourself to rest and recuperate, the stronger and more energized you will be once you recover.

Learn About PTSD

Many people don’t realize the mental and emotional impacts of a car accident. They assume their fear and anxiety will fade once their crash is in the rearview mirror. However, the physical and psychological effects of an auto accident can linger for years. In addition to your bodily aches and pains, you should be aware of the potential for developing PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

If you experience mental and emotional trauma after your accident, increase your levels of self-care and seek help from a counselor or therapist. Just like bodily injury, getting enough rest, eating right, staying social, and reaching out for professional medical help are essential factors in your recovery.

Contact Premier Injury Clinics After a Car Accident

At Premier Injury Clinics of DFW, we treat auto accident victims daily. Our skilled staff understands how frustrating and discouraging chronic pain can be. We have doctors on-site at all times at our six convenient locations. In addition to pain management and chiropractic care, we offer attorney referrals, specialist referrals, and diagnostic imaging referrals.

If you were in a car crash, drop by our clinic for a complete evaluation. An auto accident doctor can conduct tests that detect injuries even before they are felt, accelerating your recovery and helping prevent further damage. If you or a loved one were injured in a car crash, call us today. We offer complimentary transportation and kind, compassionate care.

Car Accident Doctor FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What kind of doctor should I see after a car accident?

At Premier Injury Clinics of DFW, we have doctors on staff at all times to treat car crash injuries. Our services aim to reduce pain, restore range of motion, and reduce the likelihood of recurring conditions. If you have whiplash, back pain, or neck pain after an accident, our knowledgeable staff can help.

What are the most common injuries after a car accident?

Typical car crash injuries include whiplash, concussion, fractured bones, strains and sprains, damaged soft tissue, and disc injuries. It’s sometimes difficult to tell right away if a car crash harmed you, but an auto accident doctor can professionally evaluate and diagnose your condition.

When should I see a car accident doctor?

Because symptoms are often delayed, seeing a car accident doctor right away is vital. Premier Injury Clinics of DFW offers chiropractic care and exercise rehabilitation. We can also refer you to trusted orthopedic surgeons and local attorneys.

How can a chiropractor help after an accident?

After a car accident, a chiropractor can use various tools and techniques to restore joint flexibility and realign vertebrae. Benefits of chiropractic care after a car crash include pain relief, reduced inflammation, reduced scar tissue, and improved range of motion.

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